Tideswell, Derbyshire - Winter (Dec-Feb) 2015-16
Note: Anomalies (in brackets) refer to the 2009/10-2015/16 averages.
Mean max: 7.6 (+2.2)
Mean min: 2.2 (+1.7)
Mean temp: 4.9 (+1.9)
Highest max: 13.0 (+0.9) (18th Dec, 19th Dec)
Lowest max: 0.9 (+1.9) (16th Jan)
Lowest min: -5.2 (+2.9) (16th Feb)
Highest min: 10.1 (+2.2) (17th Dec)
Lowest grass: -9.2 (+3.0) (16th Feb)
Air frosts: 22 (-12)
Ground frosts: 43 (-9)
Days with max 10.0-14.9: 29 (+21)
Days with max 5.0-9.9: 44 (+1)
Days with max 0.0-4.9: 18 (-16)
Days with max -5.0 to -0.1: 0 (-6)
Frost duration: 159.9 hours (-275.4)
Total rainfall: 435.1 mm (114%)
Wettest rainfall day (09-09z) 30.8 mm (+1.5) (12th Dec)
Rain days (0.2 mm or more): 78 (+9)
Wet days (1.0 mm or more): 61 (+8)
Days with snow/sleet falling: 32 (-4)
Days with 50%+ snow cover at 09z: 9 (-16)
Deepest at 0900z 4 cm (-16)
Eden Snow Index: 13 cm/days (-214)
Total sunshine: 127.7 hours (107%)
Sunniest day: 7.7 hours (+0.3) (23rd Feb)
Days with no sun: 40 (+9)
Days with thunder heard: 0 (-1)
Days with hail: 8 (+1)
Days with fog at 0900z: 5 (-4)
Mean wind speed: 7.1 knots (+0.8)
Highest 10-min mean wind: 33 knots from S (+3) (30th Dec)
Max gust: 49 knots (+3) (29th Jan)
Days with gale: 0 (-1)
Wind direction at 0900z
N:3 NNE:1 NE:0 ENE:1 E:4 ESE:3 SE:2 SSE:6
S:17 SSW:18 SW:6 WSW:3 W:6 WNW:4 NW:4 NNW:2
An exceptionally mild winter, even milder than the very mild one in 2013/14.
However, this winter had a little more snow and frost than 2013/14, although
there were no notable snowfalls. It was the second wettest winter that I have
recorded. Even so, it was a little sunnier than average.
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.