Interesting Feb 2016 from UAH satellite data
On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 11:48:38 AM UTC, Graham Easterling wrote:
On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 10:25:45 AM UTC, Paul Garvey wrote:
Hahaha. Sure Graham. I'm always certain aren't I? 'Highly likely implies certainty to you, does it? However I'm certain here that you've said something very stupid. Just laughable and it just shows how much you actually read my posts, instead of thinking you know what they might contain.
Don't be silly and please don't expect to have a little dig by a snide reference to me in a post and expect to get away with it. 😀
If you are not certain, perhaps you should resist denigrating people who don't share your uncertain views?
I'm pleased to see you never make digs at people in your posts.
Says someone who just did. I'd be pleased to see you never make digs at people in your posts, Graham. OK?
99.99% of published scientists say GW is highly likely (or 'does') cause GW.. The time has come to take the gloves off on this one and I always gave the 3-5% likelihood more credence. If people can't give any credible - and I mean credible - reason why CO2 is not likely to be causing the current warming, I'd always be prepared to listen. Idiots don't. They just parrot from other idiots on Watts. Their agendas inhibit sense.