Change in weather type from mid-month?
On 05/03/2016 10:16, JohnD wrote:
I see that the UKMO 6-30 day forecast has become decidedly less
pessimistic for mid-March on (for East Anglia at least). The temperature
summary for instance now seems to have changed over the past day or so
from essentially more of the same to 'Temperatures are likely to be mild
at first, but probably oscillating around normal later' for mid-month
on, with next weekend as the possible turning point.
Have any of you model watchers picked up what seems to be quite a
significant and potentially welcome change in outlook? Is it just a
slight change in the balance of probabilities, ie 60/40 one way to 60/40
the other and so probably pretty uncertain still, or something better
I have mixed feelings of what would be a welcome change at this stage. A
change from today's cold, wet weather would be nice. But they were
indicating a potentially "proper" late cold spell towards the end of the
month. I wouldn't actually mind seeing a few snow flakes and snow on the
ground for a couple of days for the first time for three years. If not
though, yes, as much Spring warmth and sunshine as possible - not this
evil in between stuff like today.
Dave, S.Essex