I can't remember whether I recommended the book 'Adventures in the
Anthropocene' by Gaia Vince, but if I didn't I am now.
The book tells of her visits to various parts of the planet and how
they are being affected by climate change. Although parts of it make
you angry at the stupid politicians, there are some uplifting tales of
how local people, when they are given a chance, are finding ways to
counteract the problem.
These solutions are usually very low-tech and can be done very cheaply.
One guy rigged up a wi-fi system covering over 20km using tech that
should only have worked over a few metres. When he told the
manufacturers how he'd done it, they just said it was impossible and
ignored him; it's not just the politicians who are useless tools.
To be fair, she tells of one politician who did a marvellous job - so
the military threw him out.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks. [Retd meteorologist/programmer]
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.
Posted with Claws:
I've read it, and thought it was excellent. I won't say any more or I'll end up being controversial. Best people read it & see for themselves.
(OT) There are still humpback whales off west Cornwall. The media were quite excited for 24 hours in January, but their attention span meant they soon moved on. There was a whale off Mousehole a few days ago, the day after a pod of dolphins went past.