Excuse me for breaking into song on here, I know it may seem "offtopic" but the outcome is at least weather related, in so far as the generaltrend on here is concerning certain muppets who are all too familiar to mostof us.
On Saturday, 19 March 2016 04:29:43 UTC, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Thursday, 17 March 2016 14:14:53 UTC, Weatherlawyer wrote:
looks like we are down one Chilean but the sequence was noticeably different.
6.2 Mb Andreanof Islands, Aleutians
5.4 mb Bering Sea
4.8 M Andreanof Islands, Aleutians
4.8 M Northwest of Ryukyu Islands
5.1 M Vancouver Island, Canada
4.3 Mb North of Severnaya Zemla
5.0 M Bonin Islands, Japan Region
5.5 M Santa Cruz Islands
4.7 Mb Andreanof Islands, Aleutians
So it appears these sequences move either north or south. I believe this goes some way to explain the disparity of latitudes in the lists of earthquake locations. But not what is going on nor why. (Apart from the fact they are all regions that get hit when the relevant systems leave the N.E. coast of North America, that is.)
Come to think of it it is about as on topic as topics get these days, we do get their weather after all. What I was going to say was:
They don't look like anyone has bothered to look at any statistics over on sci.geo.earthquakes for a VERY LONG TIME!!
You will excuse me I hope but I just woke up from a dream in which I was trying to talk to Einstein in a discussion and he kept turning to face the wall, ignoring me like an expert.
Perhaps there is every reason to but it really doesn't look like anyone has bothered to look at any maths on statistics in a bloody long long time.
Have they???? or am I being silly????? Where the hell is Einstein these days anyway?????? Is he hiding in the ground with all his mistakes forgiven him?
It seems very odd to me. But....er...
They haven't done the maths, they haven't done the maths; expediting idiocy, they haven't done the maths.
They haven't done the maths, they haven't done the maths; eeyeadditup, they haven't done the maths.
They haven't done the maths, they haven't done the maths; eeyeadditup, they haven't done the maths.
They haven't done the maths, they haven't done the maths; eeyeadditup, they haven't done the maths.
They haven't done the maths, they haven't done the maths; eeyeadditup, they haven't done the maths.
They haven't done the maths, they haven't done the maths; eeyeadditup, they haven't done the maths.
They haven't done the maths, they haven't done the maths; the Silly, Stupid, unfortunates; haven't done the maths.
Now to go and look at the classical statistical probabilities of plane crashes and earthquakes. Daunted. I will show you dauntless!