[OT] Scotland closes its last coal fired power plant
On Sunday, 27 March 2016 12:41:53 UTC+1, philgurr wrote:
"George Booth" wrote in message
Wind turbines, plenty of them seen from here. Started counting one clear day, got to 80
and rather lost interest. They've certainly had a windy couple of years. The question is
what is their working life?
Planning applications usually give a working life of 20 years and some
are now already more than half-way through this. A more important
point is what happens when the 20 years is up? Will they be left as rusting
monuments or replaced by even larger turbines?
40 miles N. of Inverness
The most expensive inconsistent energy on the planet, the only thing consistent about them is the lies and mistruths about the tag 'Free Energy'.