On 17/04/2016 20:13, Jumper wrote:
On 17/04/2016 10:48, Col wrote:
What is a 'nurse of ebony'?
Is this your way of saying that she was black?
In my current manifestation I identify myself as a person of British ivory.
It's a pity you don't live in perfect harmony.
You know when you asked why you were a racist and I replied that I would
point it out when you demonstrated it and it wouldn't be long?
Well here we are and I was right, it didn't take long.
Mentioning that the nurse who cared for you when you got a mild dose of
hypothermia was black was completely uneccesary as it was irrelevant to
the event. It would never even have ocurred to a normal person to do
that. Oh, and we even got a reference to 'Mammy Two Shoes', the black
housemaid character from the Tom & Jerry cartoons who is these days
widely consdered to be a racial stereotype.
So there you have it, racist.
I said you would incriminate youself and sure enough you did.
My work here is done.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
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