On 18/04/2016 06:07, Col wrote:
On 17/04/2016 20:13, Jumper wrote:
On 17/04/2016 10:48, Col wrote:
What is a 'nurse of ebony'?
Is this your way of saying that she was black?
In my current manifestation I identify myself as a person of British
It's a pity you don't live in perfect harmony.
Been reading CB's latest thread on ukmc?

Oh, and we even got a reference to 'Mammy Two Shoes', the black
housemaid character from the Tom & Jerry cartoons
I'd didn't realise she'd ever been named?
who is these days
widely consdered to be a racial stereotype.
Surely that applies to a lot of TV characters though, especially from
older shows?
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham