On 18/04/2016 11:23, Jumper wrote:
On 18/04/2016 06:07, Col wrote:
On 17/04/2016 20:13, Jumper wrote:
On 17/04/2016 10:48, Col wrote:
What is a 'nurse of ebony'?
Is this your way of saying that she was black?
In my current manifestation I identify myself as a person of British
It's a pity you don't live in perfect harmony.
You know when you asked why you were a racist and I replied that I would
point it out when you demonstrated it and it wouldn't be long?
Well here we are and I was right, it didn't take long.
Mentioning that the nurse who cared for you when you got a mild dose of
hypothermia was black was completely uneccesary as it was irrelevant to
the event. It would never even have ocurred to a normal person to do
that. Oh, and we even got a reference to 'Mammy Two Shoes', the black
housemaid character from the Tom & Jerry cartoons who is these days
widely consdered to be a racial stereotype.
So there you have it, racist.
I said you would incriminate youself and sure enough you did.
My work here is done.
Why is it that some black people are proud of their skin colour?
We've organisations like:
National Black Police Association
MOBO Awards
Network For Black and Asian Professionals
Black Training and Enterprise Group
On the interent there's even a website on how to be black and proud.
No one can disown their skin colour. Why do you think the latest
descriptive term for a black person is, “a person of colour"? I think
black people should call themselves black and not be ashamed of it. Not
noticing a person's skin colour, is like not noticing that the sky is
not blue or grass is not green. We live in a colourful world. How people
cannot notice a person’s skin colour is beyond me, it makes no
difference to me I treat all people with respect.
PS Why did I say college nurse of ebony, because I'm mocking the
liberal’s pretentiousness.
It’s like instead of the word, “partner” we have the term, “significant
other”, which makes me want to puke.
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