GOES raw data
Hello there,
I'd like to know if anyone knows a source (free or payed) of GOES East&West real time raw data in McIDAS AREA or GVAR format. I am aware SSEC does this, but as far I can understand, first SSEC is using ADDE protocol which I do not like and second, the cost I belive is prohibitive for a small company (from 25k to 250k, according to their website).
I currently use CLASS archive but there is a 2-3 hrs delay for push based FTP delivery at best which makes this data hardly usable for nowcasting.
I do not mind paying for data per se, i.e we get Himawari8 from BOM with some 10 minutes delaty for a reasonable price through FTP, and I am interested in something similar for GOES.
Thanks in advance.