On Monday, 16 May 2016 23:07:51 UTC+1, Jumper wrote:
On 16/05/2016 16:20, Asha Santon wrote:
On 2016-05-15 21:24:58 +0000, Jumper said:
London's Cockney culture is being driven out of one of its last
remaining bastions, Newham in East London ... leading to pubs and
working men's clubs are closing down and a loss of Christian traditions.
The Cockney 'culture' (excessive drinking, wife beating, washing the
doorstep with jellied eels) died of natural causes long ago, as did
workhouses and other memorable traditions. The Eastenders soap will
realise this in a hundred years.
The loss of christian traditions is to be applauded given that the
united queendom has returned to being a secular country at long last if
only in an effort to stop the good christian holy men molesting all the
The borough of Newham lies just five miles east of the City of London,
banking capital of the world, but locals say it now looks less like a
British city, more like Baghdad.
The locals of Newham really do need to visit Baghdad to get their eyes
opened. There is not even a vague similarity between the two places or
their respective populations.
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Have a nice day you sad and lonely halfwit.
As usual with the liberals always finding faults with the UK, it’s
traditions, customs and its Christian religion?
Yet the liberals still don’t listen to the people and so soon they’ll
reap what they've sown, a rapture!
Richard Dearlove is a very intelligent man, who can see which way the
wind is blowing.
What Sir Richard Dearlove was warning against was the rise of populist or fascist groups led by people with the same mentality as you. As you say, a very intelligent man.
Tudor Hughes.