Blocking Highs
On Wednesday, 18 May 2016 21:38:42 UTC+1, wrote:
You won't see anything then
Blockin Highs
We'll do it all, everything on our own
We don't need anything or anyone
If I stay here, if I just stay here Would you not stay with me and let me forget the world?
I don't quite know how to say how I feel
All those posts have said too much and not enough
If I stay here, if I just stay here would god be with me, help me forget the world?
I forget what I'm told and who hasn't showed
some of the data to get the garden bursting into life
A waste of time blocking posts that were not even sent
But by god's grace and by his order I found out why -alone
So I am still here that's why I'm still here YOU can forget me but god won't forget his word
Forget what you said before we get dead He showed me a garden bursting into life
All that I am, all that I can become is here in our creator's eyes, they're all you can't see
You don't know where, confused about how as well, just know things will change for the better for us at all
So I will stay, I will stay here and do what I am asked to just help extend the world