I can't think why I waited so long to report this racist troll:
At least Google killfiled him for me. Too much to hope they excoriate him.
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Anyone with an account in Germany?
Report the racist to them too please.
From: Jumper
I wonder who he will come back as when Google close his account. He will be just as ignorant though, I doubt it is an act.
Should he be reported to the British police or will they be pleased with him and maybe invite him to one of their paedophile outings?
Newsgroups: uk.sci.weather
Subject: Vote for civilisation !
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When someone calls you a racist; say thank you for the compliment!
People need to own the word; and not let them get away with using words
to silence free speech. If being a racist is against the destruction of
2,500 years of beautiful western civilization; that has given humanity
the greatest works of Art; and intellectual; and scientific
achievements; then I am a racist.
This is what happens when you knock away the four pillars of society:
God, race, family and gender.
It is easier to savage a civilization...than to civilize a savage.
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