On Wednesday, 25 May 2016 09:49:04 UTC+1, Desperate Dan wrote:
Dan . I guess you are asking me as you've left no quote
You've, at last, written something that made me laugh! You should do stand up with that script but you need a name. The Pub Landlord's taken so ...................
I do try and entertain. Then again I was married into the mob.........the lefty nostra middle-classes. I'm from working class stock which you can tell by my level of education and my beloved late sister was this new breed of indigenous layabout which has now formed a new layer in society since the advent of the welfare state called the non working classes. With the non-working classes you get usually the birth mother who smokes, drinks and swears like a trooper she has several kids by several absent dads as this keeps the not being able to work IS and JSA going.
However I would like to take this opportunity to mention 'Food Banks'.
Now for some time we keep hearing how poor Britain is and how food banks are now part of every day life in order to survive. Its the sort of topic that the Guardian and BBC find perpetual motion with-it its the anti-capitalist gift that keeps giving.
Well I my experience with my own family and all the people they knew, exactly what was going on first hand. I also have some knowledge of the benefits system and although without DLA/PIP you don't get a lot personally its the housing benefit that's the killer in terms of costs. Tens of thousands per home especially in Greater London- so lets be fair the so-called material poverty in this country can't be that bad when you consider the cost of housing, education and health all these are provided whether you want to pay a penny or not.
So back to food banks as I believe Jim Cannon's brother Jeremy likes to mention them to shame Cameron. The first thing that struck me was that all the health advisory committees keep telling us we are an morbidly obese nation especially the poorest in our nation with their poor diet yet here we are at the same time saying we have millions of starving people who rely on food banks to survive. So I wondered just what were these food banks like I had a look around and saw there was one in Upper Norwood St Lukes Church
So two Fridays ago I went along just to see how the tattooed and pierced hordes of the starving lower classes would queue in their thousands to get enough calories to help survive the next foodbank day which was Tuesday.
Anyhow it was open 10am to 2pm, so I got there at around ten and saw no one then two people came out of the church with two small bags (I have photos if anyone is interested) and staggered to the small open gardens at the front of the church and proceeded to start drinking tenants extra and chain smoking wirth both already as my mother would say 'as ****ed as puddings'.
I waited fifteen minutes and then an obviously looking African couple turned up with a trolley bag and went into the food collection centre, then a very smartly dressed I guess eastern European couple with a pram entered .
Then after another twenty minutes the local cross dressing transvestite turned up, bewigged, over six feet tall in his sixties wearing a see through top with false tits underneath in a mini skirt (again I have the photo) I had to laugh as he/she went to enter the building s/he decided to cover up the false boobs s/he was wearing as they actually had nipples for all to see.
Finally two more individuals entered within a two hour period an obese white bloke and an obese afro Caribbean about the same age late thirties.
Now there were two very smart what I thought to be Spanish girls hovering about and seemed to be with the staff, they actually looked liked students around late teens to early twenties. Well blow me if they didn't struggle out with about six carrier bags filled with food (again I have photos) They made there way down to the high street so I decided to follow them.
They stopped as they waited for a bus so I thought sod it who are these very well dressed girls and why do they qualify for food hand outs. So I approached them and asked who they were and how come the food bank had given them food. "Sorry I don't understand we are from Peru". Bloody Peru are there foods banks on the plains of Nazca Erik Von Danikin missed a trick there I thought..
It was obvious they were nervous so I decided to leave it and went back to St Lukes. I entered the church food centre and there appeared to be more staff than anything. I asked the very well spoken English looking woman who was in her sixties how did one qualify for bags of food. You need a written letter/voucher from you GP or organisation, she said. I then asked why the two student/tourist from Peru qualified for all the food they were carrying, she didn't answer but her colleague narked "all visitors to the UK qualify ".
At that point I left feeling smugly vindicated that the food banks of GB were an absolute farce at best and a down right political scoring point lie at worst. Now I've given you the link go and see for yourselves. Granted it was just one food bank but in two hours (half its opening time) I saw just half a dozen people go in overweight, foreign and plain freaky. Hardly sounds like the under siege, needing all the help they can get food bank propaganda, we hear about all the time from certain quarters.