On Tuesday, 24 May 2016 21:33:10 UTC+1, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Tuesday, 24 May 2016 16:32:13 UTC+1, Desperate Dan wrote:
Please define a "leftie".
Dan . I guess you are asking me as you've left no quote
Yes the term leftie. Well I'm talking specifically about the European, Canadian and USA variety But of the top of my head here are my observations
1) the bulk of them are white
2)And that bulk is primarily middle class but not your daily Mail reading lower middle class no, oh no, but your aspiring to intellectualism which to them is synonymous with intelligence
3) they all went to Uni or Polytechnics with the latter having a chip on their shoulder
4) They are atheist and despise Christianity but have a lot of time and understanding of Islam
6) they are all burdened with guilt based on the dominance of the West over the rest especially what we called the 'third world' but are not allowed to use anymore and now must say 'developing world' as if there are nations of photographers out there.
7)They are also marked by a keen sense of grievance against what they seem to prefix with nearly everything, 'Big' Big oil, big bankers etc.
8) They despise capital punishment as a barbarity and then seek with a passion to reform prison as it makes them feel so bad for the human rights of the murderer being punished. yet with equal passion they believe it a woman's right to have a quick shag ignoring the mountains of contraceptives out there, get pregnant and then kill the foetus , especially as they need to attend an anti fox hunting rally. Awww those cutesy butesy little foxes have a inalienable right to life you know.
9) They love planet earth and nature and feel they have the monopoly on that and if you don't agree with them you obviously want to destroy our environment
10) Back to Atheism: They do not believe in a god but really feel the impulse to worship something, so the pray to Gaia and the environment and her bid to defeat Lucifer , you know back to 'big' oil and capitalism.
11) Strange idiosyncrasy's are a morbid hatred of net curtains, light green and grey street doors and desire to eat in a greasy spoon café every couple of months to show their solidarity with the working classes. They detest large screen TV's and if possible they watch old portable black (can I say that without being called by someone here a racist) and with tiny screens.
They pioneered three wheel prams and campaign to get their local roads closed to traffic to make it safer for their children and then take their kids/babies out on the most dangerous contraptions you could wish to see attached to their bicycles, as they demand that they and their babies to share the roads with juggernauts, van and all sorts of life threatening vehicles and modes of transport.
There are some more but I'd rather leave that for the extreme left .
All those hideous left wing socialist countries like Norway and Denmark. Who would ever want to live there?
You'd probably like this video, Larry. Perhaps you should move to the American Mid-West. Right-wing politics and tornado chasing!