On Sun, 05 Jun 2016 14:19:41 +0100, Dave Ludlow
What kind of screen/screen setup are you using?
The kit is a sixteen(?) year old Davis WM II of which the wind vane and
hygrometer have packed up. The temperature/hygrometer module is no
longer available but I've got a spare wind vane. As I'm no longer
allowed on the roof and the local television aerial installer charged
£120 to fit the present one fourteen years ago and as we intend to move
in the next year I don't want to fork out to have the spare fitted.
The screen is one of these:-
shown fitted to our old house in the Lake District.
The screen is screwed to one of the uprights supporting our sun deck and
the back of it can be seen in this one which also shows how the land
drops away to the Loch Long trench. It rises even more steeply on the
other side of the house:-
The whole setup can be seen in this one:-
It's not ideal but for comparative purposes, it's adequate.
Alan White
Mozilla Firefox and Forte Agent.
By Loch Long, twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow, Scotland.
Webcam and weather:-