My Apologies Everyone as I know this is getting out of hand, bu..........t
On Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 11:34:54 AM UTC+1, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Saturday, 25 October 2014 09:58:30 UTC+1, Bob Martin wrote:
in 405620 20141025 021606 Jim Cannon wrote:
Its obviously a viscous cycle Larry. Leave it out he aint worth it
A "viscous cycle", now there's a thought!
A viscous cycle is the product of 'big oil; the *******s
But a 'cycle path'? All green tarmac which we know is far better for the environment than the black stuff but liable towards violent malicious behaviour, so is it really better.
Like the GAFFER you shood change your passwords evry month. Altho hes been hacked a coup,le of times ovr the years it GREATLY redooces the chances of the eejits gettin in