Nick Gardner wrote:
On 12/06/2016 13:20, Graham Easterling wrote:
4.4mm overnight, on a few shower bursts. Minimum temperature 14.9C
A little drizzle this morning, but it's now sunny spells, excellent
visibility and a very attractive sky.
And some rain here too in the form of one huge but very short-lived downpour
late morning that within just a few minutes deposited 13.0 mm in the gauge.
Despite the torrential rain the ground just soaked it up with no surface
run-off. Quite amazing really given how heavy the rain actually was.
Then the sun came out and with hardly any wind the temperature rose to 22.4C
and a DP of 19.1C made for, yet again, another humid feeling day. Norman
would have loved it (do you get DPs of over 19C in Tideswell often?).
Thankfully, no! I'm much happier with single figure dew points. Mind you, I
survived the years when I worked in the Arabian Gulf without too much trouble,
even though dew points did occasionally get above 30C in summer. I remember
waking up in Bahrain one morning to the sound of what I thought was rain
falling. The reality was somewhat different. It was copious dew running off the
roofs (no gutters) and the weather was thick fog with the temp and dew point
both 30C. In Bahrain I played squash in non-airconditioned courts with the dew
point often in the high 20s. The foolishness of youth :-)
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.