Heavy hail shower with snow mixed in giving an icy covering on all surfaces.
Drifts of ice on side of moorland road.
Temp 4.2 deg C
Dewpoint 1 deg C
Wind (est 10m) NW 22 knots gust 36 knots (severe gale force 9 on open exposed
5/8 Cu and isol arctic Cb (low topped)
Visibility 10-15Km
Rainfall since midnight 3.3 mm
Bar 1010 hPa falling quickly
Heavy shower of hail and snow.
Temp 2.5 deg C and crashing down.
Dewpoint 0 deg C
Visibility 300m
Everywhere turning white rapidly
Temporary northerly gale.
Continuous heavy snow, big flakes - blizzard conditions, snow settling on road
Snow depth 1 cm
0930 Snow stopped leaving all surfaces white with a covering.
Temp 1.0 deg C
Dewpoint -2 deg C
Wind Northerly 22 knots.
Bar 1011 hPa
Temp 3.8 deg C
Dewpoint 1 deg C
Wind (est 10m) northwesterly 23 knots gust 40 knots
Light sleet showers
Snow cover now disappeared and eveywhere looks green. Still some snow cover
around Hay Tor summit (looking out of top bedroom window). Patches of snow/hail
where it has blown.
Warm sunshine in between showers but wind is fierce and is almost certainly
storm force above 500m (so not a day for venturing high on Dartmoor unless you
have Arctic clothing and plenty of experience and good equipment).
Rainfall 4.8 mm since midnight (AWS) (but some missed due to horizontal snow)
Bar 1011 hPa steady
" Visit Haytor meteorological office at
http://www.lyneside.demon.co.uk/Hayt...met_office.htm "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
www: http://www.lyneside.demon.co.uk
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and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.