On Saturday, 18 June 2016 22:13:21 UTC+1, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Saturday, 18 June 2016 19:45:38 UTC+1, Alan LeHun wrote:
In article ,
All I can say is Alan that article was exaggerated nonsense, the suggestive image of a not being used to hot conditions suffering Indian elephant being cooled down was nonsense.
What was it suggestive of?
And I can guarentee that the elephant in question would suffer greatly
in the conditions mentioned, if it did not have the ability to wallow,
bathe or shower.
Alan LeHun
But that's exactly what it does in its own habitat if possible, as a drought and heat wave would make them really suffer but in the US zoos these animals are treated like royalty and there is no way that zoo in Phoenix would not keep that animal cool whereas in India there is no such guarantee.
Why are we talking about elephants? Isn't the possibility of extremely high temperatures interesting enough in itself? Isn't the fact that the 500 mb height is projected to be over 600 dam rather remarkable?
I've just come back from the pub where three of us had an animated discussion about recent events. None of us shrieked our own agenda. Just a "look" would have scotched that. I come back here and am confronted with a cacophonous kindergarten where the original topic has been completely lost in a welter of shouty boneheaded ********.
Tudor Hughes