On Wednesday, 29 September 2004 00:22:21 UTC+1, Martin Crozier wrote:
"Paul Hyett" wrote in message
Can you recommend a URL that lists these, as I'm trying to convince a
sceptic that the world's temperature *is* rising.
There is a project to find these I believe it is being developed by the website Whatsupwiththat. It must be well into it by now as the agencies responsible are getting badly upset and doing a lot to muddy the effort. With the proverbial shower of...
Also another encyclopaediac effort (from a woman) an investigative-journalist is going through all the IPCC claims and publishing the analysis an Herculian effort requiring help from all over and using double blind safe-guards:
It depends how much your sceptic knows. There are different ways to measure
the world's temperature e.g. the surface record, satellite observations,
weather balloon obs but the data all require certain corrections and / or
extrapolations such as - in the case of the surface record - corrections for
urban heat island effects.
The problems come when experts start arguing over whether the corrections
are correct or not! The data set for the (satellite measured) monthly mean
lower troposphere temperatures is at
http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/data/msu/t2lt/tltglhmam_5.1 and that shows a
global decadal temperature trend of a mere + 0.077 C which may not impress
your sceptic overly when he/she recalls some of the scare stories in the
Your best bet is to concentrate on figures from the surface record that show
a much steeper temperature rise so you would do best to use the links that
Martin Rowley has provided and try not to get sucked into an argument about
why the surface record trend is greatly different to the satellite measured
trend and the balloon observed trend (if your sceptic should be aware of
this). Anyone who can solve that puzzle conclusively will be on the way to
settling the global warming debate.
It was the production of the bias in weather stations now rapidly automating so less truth can be leaked as the politics demands. At the moment I believe it is being used against socialist nations by the US Government (whom the Muslims have a case against, sadly involving the deaths of their own children in a short sighted war.)
We can only presume the worst as the conditioning desired by the 5 ayes begins to shape all the information they have with the mark of the beast. Pity, that.
At the moment I am stifled with my research since I wanted to ask NASA about the SSTs and in doing so found out that they are allowing Michael Mann to get at the data. So it's between a fool and a liar and god. (I think I'm in with a chance since he doesn't bless crooks. Whether he can forgive a foul mouthed verbal abusive remains to be seen.)