Graham Easterling wrote:
On Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 8:51:27 AM UTC+1, Dawlish wrote:
On Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 1:07:23 AM UTC+1, Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Saturday, 25 June 2016 00:37:40 UTC+1, Graham Easterling wrote:
Well, apparently politics has been dominating today, at least it has
on USW, so I thought I'd be at least slightly weather related.
Fancy asking the people responsible for BoatyMcBoatface to decide on
Europe, when there was absolutely no need.
I agree - the referendum should not have taken place. We have a
government for complex multi-faceted problems like this. The Leavers
think all their problems are the fault of the EU but they will soon
find that they are not, not by a long chalk, and they have created a
huge problem for themselves and everybody else. This whole campaign
has been a monumental cockup from beginning to end and I find it
frankly a national embarrassment. A further national embarrassment
will occur when we get BoJo as PM. Do the leavers seriously think he
will have the interests of the working class at heart? These people
are so stupid, so unbelievably stupid.
Tudor Hughes
That's what you think of anyone who doesn't say the same as you do and
you always say so, often in an appallingly foul way - exactly like the
people may do who you've just called 'stupid'. Leavers think the
problems of the UK are caused by mainly by migrants. Hence a 'leave'
vote. It was driven mainly by xenophobia; not economics. But you are an
apologist for the racists on this board and have never denounced them,
even under pressure to do so! You also take every opportunity to express
your political views and criticise others, at every opportunity for
expressing theirs. Again, that's because you don't like their views and
you think yours are the right views to hold.
What an utter hypocrite you are in so many ways.
Everyone is stupid who is not hughes. You have always held and expressed
that view and you always will. We now have a situation that almost half
the voters didn't want, but the UK must - and will - make the best of
it. Meanwhile, you will continue to be the curmudgeon and crushing bore
that you always have been.
My original post was slightly lighthearted, but made the point that I
strongly believe, that a referendum was not needed and a bad idea. We
elect governments to take this sort of decision. This was something Tudor
agreed with. When it comes to the EU the vast majority of people are not
in a position to make an informed decision. How many votes did lies like
the NHS money pull in?
It was a very nasty campaign, but at least your posts, which never add
anything, put that nastiness into perspective.
The referendum was called because Cameron, under pressure from members of
his party, inserted it into the manifesto for the last election thinking
that he would not obtain an overall majority but would be forced to form a
coalition and then the referendum could be quietly forgotten.
Unfortunately, he did obtain an overall majority and was forced to call the
referendum. I agree that it was unnecessary and that we elect governments
to take these sort of decisions but, unhappily, weak leadership has landed
us in the current mess.
Alan White, also in Penzance, from my iPad.