Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Saturday, 25 June 2016 00:37:40 UTC+1, Graham Easterling wrote:
Well, apparently politics has been dominating today, at least it has on
USW, so I thought I'd be at least slightly weather related.
Fancy asking the people responsible for BoatyMcBoatface to decide on
Europe, when there was absolutely no need.
I agree - the referendum should not have taken place. We have a
government for complex multi-faceted problems like this. The Leavers
think all their problems are the fault of the EU but they will soon find
that they are not, not by a long chalk, and they have created a huge
problem for themselves and everybody else. This whole campaign has been
a monumental cockup from beginning to end and I find it frankly a
national embarrassment. A further national embarrassment will occur when
we get BoJo as PM. Do the leavers seriously think he will have the
interests of the working class at heart? These people are so stupid, so
unbelievably stupid.
Tudor Hughes
Alan White, in Penzance, from my iPad.