On 26/06/2016 19:03, Norman Lynagh wrote:
I've had a look at a number of forums, on meteorology and other subjects, and
they're not for me. I don't use any of them. As I have said many times before,
it's very easy to be your own moderator on USW provided you use a proper
newsreader. Much better than relying on a remote moderator whose priorities
might be rather different from your own. For me, USW is pretty well
rubbish-free and is just as friendly a place as it ever was. The start of the
EU referendum thread slipped through my defences a few days ago but I now have
all of that filtered out.
I agree Norman. I've got a fairly long kill-file list that makes this
newsgroup a more friendlier place. The ones that do slip through I just
delete immediately without reading them.
I just wish people would not reply to the 'trouble-makers'. There's a
saying that has been around a while now: "Don't feed the Trolls". If
people would adhere to that then the need for kill-filing/deleting etc
will probably not need to happen as the 'Trolls' will get bored and go
away. Replying to them just encourages them all the more.
No sunshine today making it the second sunless day this month in what is
turning out to be a very cloudy June with just 116 hours of sunshine so far.
Nick Gardner
Otter Valley, Devon
20 m amsl