In message ,
xmetman writes
I never planned for this to happen, the whole thing has just happened
very quickly. I don't like responsibility and was never a manager in
the Met Office as I think Will has pointed out, all I ever wanted to at
work was program and even today that's true.
We have something in common. I don't like responsibility either, and was
never a manager (except briefly of one other person, and that didn't
work out well). And I too loved programming, though I haven't done any
since retiring. Sadly the trend at work was increasingly to contract out
programming, so the opportunities for doing that decreased over time. (I
wasn't in the Met Office, but WAS in the scientific civil service.)
My post would be another that posed a problem for a forum's moderator.

John Hall
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin"
attributed to Sir Josiah Stamp,
a former director of the Bank of England