For anyone looking for summery weather there was little to cheer about. For sunshine the month was the dullest June in a record going back to 1797. Just 96 hrs were recorded - which is just over half what we can expect in an average June.
Most notable was the rainfall: just over 139mm fell which is 272 per cent of average, and the third wettest since 1797. Only 1903 and 1860 were wetter.. The month also saw the record broken for highest daily rainfall in a 24-hour period. A multi-cell thunderstorm in the early hours of the 23rd saw 60..8mm fall, most of it in two hours, bringing flash floods to the surrounding area.
Summary for June 2016
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 16.8
Mean (min+max) 16.8
Mean Minimum 12.7
Mean Maximum 20.9
Minimum 9.1 day 02
Maximum 25.3 day 10
Highest Minimum 18 day 22
Lowest Maximum 12.5 day 02
Air frosts 0
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 139.3
Wettest day 60.8 day 22
High rain rate 60.4 day 22
Rain days 17
Dry days 13
Wind (mph):
Highest Gust 19.7 day 02
Average Speed 2.6
Wind Run 1861.0 miles
Gale days 0
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1022.8 day 08
Minimum 992.5 day 14
Days with snow falling 0
Days with snow lying at 0900 0
Total hours of sunshine 96.1
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