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On Saturday, 2 July 2016 19:04:19 UTC+1, Dawlish wrote:
On Saturday, July 2, 2016 at 5:41:27 PM UTC+1, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Saturday, 2 July 2016 17:09:53 UTC+1, Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Saturday, 2 July 2016 08:13:09 UTC+1, Dawlish wrote:
And no abuse whatsoever. We disagreed. I disagree with many and I don't give up on that disagreement if I feel the other party is wrong. Same with you and you disintegrated into the most foul-mouthed abuse when you couldn't cope.
You are clearly a liar. Apologise.
This your reply to Mike Tullett:
PS I detest vultures on the Internet Mike. They are the worst type of
coward. They roost in self-proclaimed morally high trees, taking next
to no part in any of the discussion but descending when they think it
is safe to peck at a percieved mistake from a body, saying that their
hoped-for meal is this way, or that way, wrong. Unfortunately for you,
this meal is a long way from being dead. At least Lawrence tries to
say his piece and argue his daft case for Global Cooling. That
positions him a fair way above you, but still well towards the bottom
of the pecking order.
Have neither you, nor the little boy hanging onto your coat tails and
trying his best to come up with something clever and witty, never
heard of sun-cream, or short exposure? Or would you both sit out for a
long time without protection around the middle of the day and burn? I
don't think my fair skin would stand that. The lobsters in the Med
would find you both fine company, I'm sure.
No abuse there, not a whiff of it. Good heavens, no. Pure scientific disagreement. As an afterthought, once you'd got the bile out of your system, you mentioned suncream but crucially there was no mention of it in your original post which is why Mike and others reacted the way they did. They simply reacted with incredulity to what you wrote, as I remember doing at the time, thinking I should ask him if he's African, this being the only rational physical explanation. You'd cocked up, so he who pointed this out must suffer.
Tudor Hughes
Unbelievable hypocrisy, its almost as if there's a split personality at work and Dawlish is attacking himself as his own behaviour which was a million miles away from Mike's, but uncannily like his own.
What gets me is he is so hateful and resentful -almost like manic jealousy . For example when he spat
"Have neither you, nor the little boy hanging onto your coat tails and
trying his best to come up with something clever and witty, never
heard of sun-cream, or short exposure"
"Little boys" It almost as if wants to be loved , admired and respected with a group of people that will jump to his aid when criticised but he isn't because he is so obnoxious so he has to belittle anyone that supported Mikes position and he does that by sneering "little boys".
I can't remember all the thread so I might read it again. Trouble is for all the nastiness and aggressiveness (I'm just as guilty ) You can't take back what's been said. To be honest there many that can have their moments but even with Dawlish who exasperates me on occasion its all water under the bridge after a few days. He however needs to at least once own up to his own faults instead of digging in and making himself look nastier then at first perceived and that is a very difficult thing to do. The Mike incident though is very clear cut indeed as Mike had no known enemies on this NG and when he was moved to say something negative he had to be sorely pushed as I believe no one had witnessed Mike be critical before and boy when he politely pointed out to Dawlish his mistake did he touch a nerve.
I hate fascist and that's why I don't like you.