((Mwah)) Politics
Any reason (does any one) suppose for the fact that nobody has considered investigating earthquakes as the instigator of seiches?
It couldn't possibly be that the people who are supposed to back scientific research (Earth's politicians) have failed miserably, every four year cycle of hedonism known as democracy (aka greedy selfishness) to do their own research into getting hold of and actually listening to advisers who are not afraid of telling the truth. And making the point of finding people with scholarly abilities, that actually know how.
Take Alisdair for example. It was positively an eye opener to realise how caught up his own bubble he is. So how does one break through one's own plastic bag and get one's own head out from whichever orifice it has been inserted?
The first thing to do when you have a problem is to realise that you have a problem. Then if you realise that you are in an hole you have to stop digging until you have had a chance to reflect if digging will get you out. Or is there "another way"?
We live in an unfortunate age where the politics of this planet has been so appalling that most sensible people deny that there is a god. But are they right? And if there is a god, will he help?
Which bring us back to the question: Have we realised there is a problem?
Before considering that again:
Is it not wise to consider that if we have a problem, are we even capable of considering how far we are willing to go in the measure to correct the problem?
Would we rather keep the problem than accept the cure?
Is there anyone in your life that you would dare to even discuss the possibility of a god with?
If you can bring yourself to consider that; you might also consider the importance of that question. That you live in an age where the answer is possibly: NFW (plus or minus:!!)