On Wednesday, 6 July 2016 04:48:21 UTC+1, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Wednesday, 6 July 2016 04:18:11 UTC+1, Weatherlawyer wrote:
Any reason (does any one) suppose for the fact that nobody has considered investigating earthquakes as the instigator of seiches?
It couldn't possibly be that the people who are supposed to back scientific research (Earth's politicians) have failed miserably, every four year cycle of hedonism known as democracy (aka greedy selfishness) to do their own research into getting hold of and actually listening to advisers who are not afraid of telling the truth. And making the point of finding people with scholarly abilities, that actually know how.
Take Alisdair for example. It was positively an eye opener to realise how caught up his own bubble he is. So how does one break through one's own plastic bag and get one's own head out from whichever orifice it has been inserted?
The first thing to do when you have a problem is to realise that you have a problem. Then if you realise that you are in an hole you have to stop digging until you have had a chance to reflect if digging will get you out. Or is there "another way"?
We live in an unfortunate age where the politics of this planet has been so appalling that most sensible people deny that there is a god. But are they right? And if there is a god, will he help?
Which bring us back to the question: Have we realised there is a problem?
Before considering that again:
Is it not wise to consider that if we have a problem, are we even capable of considering how far we are willing to go in the measure to correct the problem?
Would we rather keep the problem than accept the cure?
Is there anyone in your life that you would dare to even discuss the possibility of a god with?
If you can bring yourself to consider that; you might also consider the importance of that question. That you live in an age where the answer is possibly: NFW (plus or minus:!!)
If the default with us is antagonism and the product of unaccountability is war and there is no god, then how is any culture to achieve a degree of comfort?
You can not turn back the clock so going back in time to when men (and women) were not superstitious is also not possible but consider this:
Living in an era when after seven or eight hours of possibly boring and seldom exhausting work; how much of life would be viable if we were as cut off from one another as we have become these days.
Killing an animal larger than a rabbit was a day in which the whole village engaged with one another. Keeping a fire going was another family concern. And for one man or woman the task of providing the daily bread took all day.
The idea of a watchman lazing about all night on guard duty is farcical. The price of clothing we wouldn't accept for rags was tremendous, and allowing children enough free time to go to school however interesting and involving the alternative may have been impossible.
the 4th (or so) video in the series refers to the snowfall of the winter in 1977/78 as being the worst in 30 years. They had got over the record heat of the summer of 1976 in complete comfort and missed the record breaking one following the test of Tzara Bomba with surprising equanimity.
What really drew my attention was the thought of consternation every period in the ocean cycles when as in 2009 and 2015/16 we have had these epic tornado/volcano sequences.
What I noticed most about them was the low overhanging cloud in Britain. I am sure the CET will show the regularity of that but the one annoying thing about it was the damp i-n the winter especially. I noticed that if I was cooking chips the walls would be wringing wet. At first it was just an annoyance that I had to open a window or a door for my cooking about two or three days every fortnight.
While everyone was moaning about the clag, I was trying to tie it in with the strange effect the weather was producing on the North Atlantic chart. It was a relatively long time before I dropped on the derechos in North America (considering I made a concerted effort to compare the NWS Storm Reports with the Met office's North Atlantic charts.)
So you see; it doesn't matter what you know, it is with whom you discuss it that makes progress possible and sadly, it is only in war-time that the powers that be, pay scientists who do research, to think outside the box.
And even then the war could easily be lost in the time it takes to get rid of or burn through the dead wood at the top.