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On Tuesday, 5 July 2016 02:12:58 UTC+12, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
I imagine that you are now doomed to remain here, locked in a titanic struggle of good over evil, in a battle with the dark forces with the likes of Dawlish and Weatherlawyer for the rest of eternity.
Anyway why are you back here when you found this group so unpalatable that you had to start another with you in charge to ensure the riff raff don't get back in, yet here you are talking to what you see as the riff raff. Talk about wanting yer cake and eat it.
You are deeply unpalatable - not just as an embittered curmudgeon, but as a cynical redistributor of lies manufactured by self-interested pressure groups who don't give a damn about the fate of the environment.
WeatherL, on the other hand, is simply a raving lunatic with a compulsion to spout endless twaddle.