On Saturday, 23 July 2016 10:01:31 UTC+1, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Saturday, 16 July 2016 22:51:07 UTC+1, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
So determined and so willing to believe the AGW hype that is promoted by groups who gain political as well as financial reward to promote and exacerbate the effects of any global warming, that naïve and opportunist people still attempt to circumnavigate the Polar Ocean. Another (yawn) group has set sail to prove the Arctic ice has disappeared; but yet again the 'useful idiots hit the cold ice wall of reality
Here straight from the distressed Polar Bears mouth
We have this report from David Hempleman-Adams
"So we are in Murmansk. Last night was the survivors dinner for the crew that brought the yacht from Bristol. Lots of Vodka and lots of relief
Now Northabout is in the Commercial dock. A small yacht surrounded by huge container carrying freighters.
Our latest news is we have problems on two fronts
Ironically whilst the NW passage is now nearly open way ahead of schedule on the north east passage the route is Solid ice right up to the land and is the worst for many years. We are trying to predict when to leave as it will take 10 days to get to that point. Will it have changed by then. We don’t want to be stuck in the ice waiting. We also don’t want to miss an opportunity when we are sat in Murmansk. What to do !"
I have to ask: Is the bandwagon of dangerous AGW just another Ponzi scheme?
Oh well at best you could say 'their hearts are in the right place' (usually slightly to the left at the front just under the ribcage) but the 'Polar Ocean Challenge' is becoming very challenging on many levels.
Of course the aim of the expedition is to show the world that the Arctic sea ice is rapidly retreating and bemoan the fact that less ice is due to human activity . But they are now several days out of Murmansk knowing that the mission is on the edge of failure as there is still an impenetrable wall of ice
awaiting which is three days sailing away and that will need at least a southerly wind which possibly could push the ice off shore. At the moment the expeditions fate is more than in the balance for failure.
David Hempleman-Adams has updated the website this morning and says this
"Woke up to being a grumpy old man.
Partly checked the new ice charts on www.nsra.ru we still have no chance of getting through yet, not past the cape or through the Laptev sea. Nikolai, Our Russian Captain who is very familiar with this route, impresses on me that this is a very unusual year and normally clear, Not what I want to hear. We are under sail, so saving fuel, and will find a small island to shelter until we get improvements. We are still 5 days from the ice, so lets hope for some southerly winds to push the ice from shore.
I have to say as someone who accepts the planet has warmed but not driven solely by human C02 and this warming is being spun to death I do find a certain ironic pleasure in the fact this expedition is all about bemoaning the growing lack of ice and here they are on the cusp of mission failure now bemoaning too much ice. Surely the fact the ice is there is cause for celebration.
This is just the start of circumnavigating the Arctic ice cap in a counter clockwise route.
Its funny regardless of the dangers of their small boat being trapped in ice its very hard nowadays to be concerned. When the Sir William Franklin expedition set sail in 1845, for me as I live down the road from the Crystal Palace site where remains are still on view , the original CP was built for the great exhibition in Hyde Park in 1851 and then on Penge common in 1854, it reminds me that the Franklin expedition historically is still so close in time, yet when the Erebus and Terror set sail from Greenhithe on the Thames once they were out of sight that was it all contact lost unless relayed by those that may have crossed their path on their journey.
So in just little under two hundred years we have two well stocked well crewed ships going out literally into the unknown and never to return but now we have this little boat it seems impossible that any harm can come to them.
There you go , if you read this you have to note it was a complete waste of time and effort.
There's a rumour going around that they will use the services of a Russian ice breaker-now that will be man made ice depletion and will thoroughly prove once and for all that humans did it.
Have to see how this one goes.