"Scott W" wrote in message
Trevor, that July in 1808 must have been quite something with birds
'dropping out of the sky' from heat exhaustion. A shame that it was before
conventional measuring standards. Was 40C achieved that day? If the
Synoptics were just right...
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Quote''Luke Howard, the ‘father of meteorology’ who at the time lived in
Plaistow, referred to the heatwave in his diary on July 13th: “Temperature
at 9am 84F'' unquote
?Equivalent to 10.00 BST. In 1976 the temperature on the roof of the London
Weather Centre on 26 June was 29c at 10.00 BST
On 10 August the temp at the same
time quoted by the Met Office for London; 31c
On 01 July 2015 Heathrow recorded
32.5c I think @ 10.00 BST with many places over 30c at that time.