Aliens with unpronounceable names
On Saturday, 13 August 2016 09:04:45 UTC+1, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Saturday, 13 August 2016 08:43:31 UTC+1, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Friday, 12 August 2016 15:33:07 UTC+1, Tudor Hughes wrote:
What does "unprounceable" mean FFS? Can't be prounced. I should hope not. No-one likes being prounced.
How would you know?
Does FFS mean four five six?
The old heave-ho song of prouncers everywhere.
I have heard there is a secret song that prouncers everywhere sing along
When called to deal with a merry throng
And deep six those that roll along
Disposed for merriment all night long
Coming through HA!
Deep six to ya! Ah! haha Ahhaha.
It goes like this if you can't sleep and seek to try and count wet sheep
the herd that try to match the chord back to you
Baa baa oh-ah Baaa baa oohyah ooh oh ooh youooh baa ooh yeah!
They're not quite there they make no sense so prouncers help them cross the fence
FFS the pass the wet sheep round
Until they hear the mortal sound that prouncers everywhere propround
Another wet sheep goes to ground
Stick another on the barbie as they do yeah
Prouncers do yeah. Pass one to yer.
Pass it to yeah Ooh ooh yeah Pass it to yer.
From Wolverhampton comes the word as prouncers gather at the ford
Whence flowerpots be unadored
Withal the wetsheep gathered thereto yes.
O fknell i can't be bothered its too early.
Hallelujah, Michael, hallelujah.
You've bitten of far too much with Lenny Cohen's song.