Why temperature data is adjusted
On Tuesday, 23 August 2016 04:05:43 UTC+1, wrote:
On Tuesday, 23 August 2016 01:34:50 UTC+3, Alastair wrote:
On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 6:01:41 PM UTC+1, wrote:
On Saturday, 20 August 2016 16:43:03 UTC+3, Weatherlawyer wrote:
I am far more interested in finding out what actually causes weather..
The sun.
And carbon dioxide.
The sun is the fundamental driver of all weather. Without the sun carbon dioxide would just be dry ice, unable to affect anything.
Wouldn't go that far Col . Dry ice is used a lot in entertainment so agreed there would eventually be nearly total extinction but the stage productions would be spectacular.
Actually on a serious note surely as long as there is an internal pool of molten magma then those slithers of life like tube worms and certain shrimps.that have evolved on chemical synthesis will surely carry on , until the oceans freeze all the way to the bottom.