Fiona + Gaston ?
On Tuesday, 23 August 2016 12:31:39 UTC+1, N_Cook wrote:
On 23/08/2016 11:19, Norman Lynagh wrote:
Graham P Davis wrote:
On Tue, 23 Aug 2016 08:02:51 +0100
N_Cook wrote:
Will they honeymoon in the UK the first week of September?
Sadly, it appears Fiona is seriously ill and is considered unlikely to
recover; her death is expected to occur during the coming weekend.
Gaston, being a rather fickle creature, may soon be turning an eye
towards Hermine.
I see that the ECMWF model predicts one of them (not sure which) as a fairly
intense feature close NW of the Azores at 0000z on 1st Sep then something like
600 miles SW of Ireland 24 hours later. Mind you. the chances of getting that
level of detail anywhere close to correct at 10 days range are pretty small.
Nevertheless, there's clearly potential for interesting developments.
As Gaston has only got his act together over the last day I assumed he's
not really appeared on the early Sept projections yet, but more
north-going track, a shorter potential track to the UK. I'm going with
the Azores one early Sept being Fiona as that tracks back and the one
off the east USA seaboard being the more west-going track of Hermine
Looks like Fiona may die now as it approaches Florida while Gaston, the one I believe shows on the models of late, strengthens but stays off-shore and liable to eventually track this way.