Request for help: Photos of common UK flatland cloud types
Does any have or know of an archive of decent quality pictures
that we
could use. I'm afraid there's no money in it and probably no
either, they never credited the ones I've given them in the
past 10
years -- unless I do the artwork and sneak my name in
I was mildly interested until I came to this paragraph.
No credit, no images.
If the NT is publishing images without even crediting the
photographer, they are infringing the photographer's copyright
and ought to be sued. A photographer is ****legally entitled****
to be recognised as the author of any photograph they have taken
unless they have specifically agreed to waive their ****legal
right**** to be credited.
Frankly, it's blooming cheek to scrounge images for free, and
not even acknowledge that people have donated their time and
good will. You can be very sure that I won't be making any
images available to the NT under those terms!