Request for help: Photos of common UK flatland cloud types
In message 20160902184241.0f75172e@amaterasu, Mike Causer
Does any have or know of an archive of decent quality pictures that we
could use. I'm afraid there's no money in it and probably no credit
either, they never credited the ones I've given them in the past 10
years -- unless I do the artwork and sneak my name in somewhere
If they were prepared to wait a few weeks I could take enough photos
myself but this needs to be printed for an event in early October, so
we cannot wait. Can anyone help please?
You could try Wikipedia. Any photos they have of cloud types as part of
their articles will be in the public domain.
John Hall
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin"
attributed to Sir Josiah Stamp,
a former director of the Bank of England