Request for help: Photos of common UK flatland cloud types
On Friday, 2 September 2016 21:52:12 UTC+1, Mike Causer wrote:
On Fri, 2 Sep 2016 19:00:46 +0100
"Anne B" wrote:
Frankly, it's blooming cheek to scrounge images for free, and
not even acknowledge that people have donated their time and
good will. You can be very sure that I won't be making any
images available to the NT under those terms!
Yeah. That's why I warned everyone. I've given them over 1000 photos,
and about 500 specially drawn maps for internal use for projects I want
to help them with. Full disclosu they had to pay me for nearly half
of both because they were needed so quickly I could not do it as a
volunteer over a year or two but had to take no paying work until they
were done.
So far as I'm concerned their troops on the ground are the ones I want
to support, their management up to regional level are OK, above that I
have no experience.
Helping to educate kids about the clouds above their heads. Waddya
I had a knock on the door several months ago by a polite young man with his heart on his sleeve trying to get me to sign up for a charity to get a few quid from my account every month. I tried to fob him off with a couple of quid form my loose change jar but he politely refused. I like to think we parted with no hard feelings.
We then got into a discussion of upper management and some ripe language ensued. I saw him servral weeks later, sleeping in a car park one Sunday morning. As Sunday is a traditionally Christian festival I managed at last to give him some loose change.
Isn't there a link to something suitable on the FAQs?