On Tuesday, 20 September 2016 08:23:11 UTC+1, Weatherlawyer wrote:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_ice is a website I am growing to detest for its fascist persuasion so beware the yeast of the Pharisees.
A case in point is this paragraph:
Driving forces
While fast ice is relatively stable (because it is attached to the shoreline or the seabed), drift (or pack) ice undergoes relatively complex deformation processes that ultimately give rise to sea ice’s typically wide variety of landscapes. Wind is thought to be the main driving force along with ocean currents. The Coriolis force and sea ice surface tilt have also been invoked. These driving forces induce a state of stress within the drift ice zone.
An ice floe converging toward another and pushing against it will generate a state of compression at the boundary between both. The ice cover may also undergo a state of tension, resulting in divergence and fissure opening. If two floes drift sideways past each other while remaining in contact, this will create a state of shear.
It set out the basic concept of ice forming as crystals flowing freely or as sediment growing stuck on more solid structures. The free pancakes flow into rafts as plastic, semi-liquids. Then it all got lost.
The author actually mentions "shear" which is a property of gases and liquids and part of the reason Coriolis forces can not be occurring. (For which see: perfect fluids.)
And then it mentions compression as a driving force without explaining that ice under stress deforms and melts and presumably requires quite massive interference to occur.
But it all makes fascinating, if rather vapid, sense if you are daft enough to believe what you are told without thinking about it.