weather +images from cockpits
On Wed, 21 Sep 2016 19:42:19 +0100
"P.Chortik" wrote:
Some great photos there - including one of the plane's shadow
surrounded by a Brocken Spectre. But I wonder if the starscapes are
Had to refer the 'Brocken Spectre' term to Wiki for an explanation!
Glad the images are giving some enjoyment out there.
The site doesn't seem to know the term either -- I can't find the
picture by using their search :-(
Have seen one for myself though, from a glider in which we had no
cameras -- or oxygen otherwise we'd have been a lot higher [1] and might
have missed it.
[1] The lift in wave from Mull while we were over Cairngorm was such
that I think that 20,000ft was easily possible that day. Red letter
day in any event, and still the highest I've reached in a glider. (We
knocked it off long, long before 20,000!)