On Friday, 23 September 2016 22:36:19 UTC+1, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Thursday, 6 August 2015 15:52:09 UTC+1, Alastair wrote:
"Radiation. Heat transfer by radiation is important in some surprising places. A premature baby in an incubator can be cooled dangerously by radiation if the walls of the incubator happened to be cold, even when the air in the incubator is warm.
Hopefully human lives or enquiries into human deaths are considered important enough to produce research like this and ensure it is true.
If so then it appears that temperature monitors are incapable of dealing with heat calibration if the materials used are unfit for human habitation. Unfortunately you posted this discussion to people with ties to certain irredeemable mind-sets.
I have had a chance to sleep on the ideas you poster Pictet and Rumford (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjam...iments_on_heat) and it occurred to me that they must have been working with a phenomenon not yet realised to be polarisation.
How such a thing affects the atmosphere is anyone's guess of course it is highly likely that go told the angels unless he let them realise what was happening when they created light and sorted out the chaos of prehistoric times.
In which case gods know.
Now we have the problem of explaining the mechanism; unless any of the sentient following this thread had carried out the work somewhere on the way to 190+posts of exhaustingly dawlishness.
(Speaking of the devil I wonder if he writes these things: Boots is not the organizer or sponsor of this game. Enter our game and let your luck without complex. Just a few moments to fill out our form and try to take this great prize at stake. Please fill out and complete your details. Also discover the advantages and good deals offered by our partners. This game has no purchasing obligation See website for other terms and regulation.)
But I doubt that anyone more scientific than you or Asha have bothered to follow it up. Nor do I have the facilities. I can ponder on the effect Asha pointed out, that Charon and Pluto although floating in a near vacuum only broken by starlight, are cold (as far as we can tell from a distance.)
What that all means for variable stars and cosmogyny, even guest stars if the Oort clouds turn out to be polarising mirrors/lenses remains to be discovered.
What it means for atmospheric science is that the red sky at night, red sky in the morning conundrum is related to the difficulties that the flowerpeople have with all their hokey shtick: How cloud albedo affects temperature.
(Boy am I glad I made up my mind early about all that crap.)
I was carding through my spam filter when I saw that and thought of him. Volcano Listserve recently got a new editor and he doesn't seem to post up to date volcano notices.
Obviously if the sun is not a nuclear bomb then it has to be powered by the solar system, which brigs us back to the problem of ice giants and why they are cold if action and reaction is equal and opposite.
We know that a great storm like Jupiter's has to have so much energy supplied from somewhere. We don't know anything about their volcanic activities but their layers of swaddling must be holding a great deal of heat from us. But where is it being delivered to?
Time to start preparing to probe the polar winters of the gas giants I believe. What hath god wrought?
It should be relatively cheap to find out. Anyone on here competent enough to make a thermoscope?