On Sunday, 25 September 2016 10:48:46 UTC+1, Asha Santon wrote:
On 2016-09-25 09:29:27 +0000, Weatherlawyer said:
On Sunday, 25 September 2016 07:28:52 UTC+1, vidcapper wrote:
We are not 'taking sides', we are just trying to point you in the
direction of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
1. Who is "We"?
2. Who is "You"?
We are all on one side or another over certain things. The ignorant and
the stupid are the only ones in the middle.
Gods Ballet Class:
Either the world was a universe filled with **** before creation began
or it was a near-vanna nothingness waiting for the first pin to drop.
The answer (for you) is in the question. Nothing could have existed
before it was created, that being the definition of creation.
The answer for everyone is that we take sides.
My side is the one where we find out how it all works.
Another side is that X gets to decide what he wants.
Another again is the side that most people believe. I am all for democracy so long as it is administered justly. But it is no way to decide.
Is it?
So this is what I have found so far:
The world is like a synoptic chart. Each successive one shows how it vibrates in an animation.
Sometimes the first cause allows knots to develop and sometimes it is all straightened out:
Where the knots are turns out to be some sort of storm. Whether it is a layer of sediment deep in the earth or in a lake bed under a mountain or in the air we can almost see.
It is nice to know. It is nice to know that you can't take the clouds to make fish-food without making waves, is all there is to it!
I am not overly concerned about who believes me, although it would be nice to get someone capable of interfering with humanity to make things go just fine when the knot does its job.
But the only person I know who can do so effectively has given the problem to us because we are that kind of creature. He will provide limited funds to help us deal with it; if we ask him but we have to ask him.
If we all did that simultaneously, that would be a pleasant convergence. But what we usually end up with is some sort of psyclosis instead.