On 25/09/2016 11:12, Alastair wrote:
I am sorry to say this will be my last response to you. For me this is just a waste of time trying to think of arguments that will connect with people who have already made up their minds. However, thanks to you I have one new argument which I will now present.
If you take an ice box out of the freezer, which I have just done, and place your hand over it palm side down you may sense cold. If you urn your hand over, with the back of your hand over the tray then you will certainly sense the cold being radiated from the ice. That radiation exists. All objects radiate. I call that radiation cold radiation when it cools the object it falls on. Thus cold radiation exists by definition!
No it doesn't!
Just because we can clearly feel both heat & cold on our hands doesn't
mean there are two distinct types of radiation. Yes of course we can
feel cold that is associated with something that is colder but that
simply means that the heat from our warmer hand is radiating/conducting
to that colder body so our hands cool down.
Cold really is just an absence of heat relative to the surroundings.
That's all I got to say not I am not going to get into further arguments with you or anyone else no matter how abusive they get.
Ah well, looks like I have wasted my time but I know you will read this.
Oh, and nobody has become abusive, well not on this 'resurrected'
portion of the thread anyway.
Yeah, bye.
But you will be back to discuss this at some point in the future,
I can count on that
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
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