On Monday, 26 September 2016 22:18:47 UTC+1, Col wrote:
On 26/09/2016 21:26, Alastair wrote:
On Monday, 26 September 2016 18:33:35 UTC+1, Col wrote:
I don't however understand Alastairs's behaviour though, this thread
popped up again out of nowhere and he could have ignored it. People
(especially Asha) have attempted to debate with him reasonably, and most
certainly not abusively, yet he still flounces off.
I responded to Asha because she said she was not taking sides
But you accused her of taking sides!
Only when she refused to accept my answer to her question.
and I assumed she had an open mind.
Even 'open minds' have to come to a conclusion though.
Not before they have heard the evidence and then ignore it.
But it became clear that she wanted me to choose between two questions, which if I answered yes to either would have made me appear a fool,
much like the old standard. "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" If you answer yes or no you are still admitting you are a wife beater.
Not content with employing the fallacy of the excluded middle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_dilemma she then accused me of not understanding logic.
It was obvious to me that wasn't going to give me any credit for my
knowledge logic or science so it seemed pointless to continue into a
slanging match.
Is that so bad?
There was never going to be any slanging match, the whole debate seemed
to be going perfectaly amicably.
That is why I ended it there.
She *disagreed* with you, that's all.
And told me I did not understand logic.
I have no intention of trawling through what she wrote to decide whether
what you say is justiiable. Her words, not mine. If she wants to come on
here and defend herself then fine but from what I recall she conducted
herself perfectly reasonably.
That's right. You have made up your mind I am in the wrong. You are quite content to ignore what I wrote. Your mind is made up.
Anyway I am about to flounce off again. We are now off the topic of cold radiation, and I have better things to do with my time than respond to insults such as "flouncing off."
If you seriously consider a term such as 'flouncing off' to be an insult
then I suggest you must be a very dainty thing who can't take the merest
hint of criticism. How you have survived this long on Usenet is a
mystery to me.
Well I have not been kept here by your friendly manner.