Cold Radiation
On Tuesday, 27 September 2016 18:14:08 UTC+1, Col wrote:
I have not ignored what you wrote, I just disagree with it!
Yes my mid is made up, but then so is yours. So what's the difference?
My ideas are based on the science and common sense. Yours are based on your gut feelings. You wrote:
"There aren't two separate streams, one warm and one cold, somehow
battling it out for supremacy."
But all objects emit radiation based on their temperatures - scientific fact. If you have two objects then there will be two sets of radiation - common sense. The hotter object will emit hot radiation and the cold object will emit cold radiation - common sense. The hot radiation will warm the cold object and the cold radiation will warm the hot object - simple science.
There is no Nobel Prize waiting for me for pointing this out. It has been known for over 200 years :-(
I have conducted this discussion in a perfectly civil & courteous
manner. Un[ike you I've not called anybody an 'idiot' for example.
That is true, but please understand that I am being continually provoked (stalked) by Dawlish, and I find remarks which side with him extremely irritating.
As far as accusing him of being an idiot, it is a term that he has used himself on many occasions as I am sure you are aware.