"We have explain’d the phaenomena of the heavens and of our sea, by the power of Gravity, but have not yet assign’d the cause of this power.
This is certain, that it must proceed from a cause that penetrates to the very centers of the Sun and Planets, without suffering the least diminution of its force;
that operates, not according to the quantity of surfaces of the particles upon which it acts, (as mechanical causes use to do,) but according to the quantity of the solid matter which they contain, and propagates its virtue on all sides, to immense distances, decreasing always in the duplicate proportion of the distances."
That is: the actions of a lever are different to the attractions and repulsions of a lever. Levering aside the various properties of radiation we are left with the one concept that it all goes to the stars. Whatever you make of that, any diminution has only a temporary stopping place.
The same is not true as far as we can tell for gravity. Any changes in the knock-on effects or domino theory has to reconciled with it wholeness or universal identity.
In short, then it must have required a superior force to get it all spinning as one. And thus we have its impacts on the weather which has an action and a reaction we can perceive in occasional singular behaviours not explained in the aegis of climate. Brooks for instance:
Mid September, Stormy, 17-24th
Early October Stormy, 5-12th.
Mid October Anticyclonic 16-20th
Late October Stormy, 24 Oct-3 Nov
AUTUMN [10th September - 19th November]:
First week (10th September onwards) driest of year on average, especially central & eastern areas.
Some years show tendency to a mid-September cyclonic / wet spell.
Localised heavy (thundery) rainfall resulting from slow-moving areas of low pressure.
Early / mid October can be 'two-faced': often 'unsettled' with rain/showers, but occasionally can give rise to anticyclonic, warm conditions, with southerly weather types lifting temperatures to 'near-record' levels.
Between 23rd October & 11th November, strong signal for wet/stormy weather with a sharp reduction in A-type weather; sharp reduction this type last week of October c.f. first week.
The faqs goes on to describe weather by leetters I am presuming the code is similar to tone I use, except that Barry and Perry try to present it as directions use I presume A type weather is sourced to Azores Highs but i have no idea what C, E & N types are.
The fact that the origins of blocking weather was unknown at the time and the relative effects are still denied or ignored is for the reader to decide.. Before making up you mind what is obvious, consider that hot air rises and that Anticyclones fall.
(Maybe that explains negative radiation but I don't think so.)