100 years of hurricanes hitting and missing Florida
What they tend to point out is that a single event cannot
ever be
said to have been directly caused by climate change (as if
never have happened at all without it), which of course you
never prove.
Well if you accept the concept of climate change then you
must accept
that /every/ weather event is caused by it, on the grounds
that the
weather would have been completely different had there been
You are kidding, right?
So every death from lung cancer is caused by
Every heart attack is caused by cigarette-smoking?
Every case of thrombosis is caused by cigarette-smoking?
Every road accident is caused by drink-driving?
etc. . .
Graham P Davis
That's entirely different. You are extrapolating from the
particular to the general, and Alan (quite correctly IMO) is
extrapolating from the general to the particular.