On Tuesday, 4 October 2016 11:03:52 UTC+1, Weatherlawyer wrote:
Having said all that, this:
5.7 Mb (magnitude) Luzon, Philippine Islands 2016/10/02, 13:40.
(For the hard of reading that is a pause of 28 hours.)
For Messrs Easterling and Cook that is 28 hours (and counting) of unimposed upon seiche development.
And back to wet-sheep mode:
Big baaa go boom go bomb!
And finally for us normals:
Something has has to relieve the monotony. Any more of it and there will be too much crosswind development for serious hurricane cyclo-genesis.
Not too much though (once it hits 30 hours or so) to reach tornadic-dercho-genesis.
Seeing that the skies are already heavily laden (one might say overladen) and along with everything else that is going on, it really does look like it is all over baaa the waiting.
Perhaps we can go baaaack a few threaads and recovaaaa some of the answers we may have missed from the questiaaans posed to Paul Foursocks Gaaaarvey in the winter of our discontent?
Or is is lack of content?
I know it's some form of contentiousness-foolishness. (And how can a lamebrain muttonheaded hard of reading numbskull like him get a job advising a nursery school?)
In the spirit of Mathew, I had better stop now before I say something I might regret.
Hahaha! Please continue. The gobbledygook gets denser by the post. 😂 😂 😂 😂
Come on W. Try a forecast. The 1/18 needs improvement.