On Thursday, 16 December 2004 17:13:16 UTC, Graham P Davis wrote:
Dave.C wrote:
Out of interest, I noticed there are 14 separate centres of LP on the UKMO
12z fax chart for this Sunday 19th Dec.
Is that unusual or haven't I counted before?
Also, is it of any particular significance?
ta, Dave.
Many years ago, Bert Foord showed an Atlantic chart that was smothered with
lows and not a high to be seen. He asked viewers for a collective noun for
such a group of lows. His own suggestion: a Gloom of Depressions.
A synop of vulcans?
A random pattern overrun?
Numerical deflectometry mistaken for butterfly effect?
Whilst it wouldn't (necessarily) explain the coming snow it would explain the volcanic activity from the day before -which would explain snowfall.
Anyone got a copy of the Many years ago, Bert Foord showed an Atlantic chart that was smothered with lows and not a high to be seen. chart?
Just one example (not major enough in my opinion) but at least you now have to think, if only hard enough to put the thought aside: