8 November 2016
Wokingham 0900z 210 02/03kt 6000m HZ 1Sc050
+1.0/+0.0 RH 93% QFF 1012.8 -0.3 in 3hr Total 2 okta
RMK 2Ac150 1Ci220 Ac str vir (fall streak holes). Moderate hoar.
Dry since 15z yesterday with long clear periods and an overnight frost.
09-09 AWS
max +8.4 min -2.5 grass min -7.9
rain 0.0 sun (00-24) 4.6 hr
Wokingham 1500z 170 04/06kt 18km 1Sc050 5Ac090 7As110
+5.5/+1.8 RH 77% QFF 1008.8 -2.4 in 3hr Total 8 okta
RMK /Cs200. Dry since 0900z and mainly cloudy with
sunny intervals till early PM then overcast.
Max temp so far +5.5 at 1500z
Bernard Burton
Satellite images and weather data for Wokingham at:
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